Sunday, January 9, 2011


:The Katipunan needed to speed their words and teaching throughout their country, but the means to do this was almost impossible. However, Candido Iban and Francisco del Castillo were two new members who had just previously won some sort of lottery. They decided to buy a printing press for the Katipunan. With this press, the Katipunan founded a newspaper called KALAYAAN and distributed it to all of the Philippines. This newspaper preached their cause and informed many people what they could do to help. This newspaper helped the Katipunan’s ranks grow considerably. Before the newspaper was printed in 1896, the Katipunan had only 300 members, but after the KALAYAAN'S printing, the Katipunan’s members grew to over 30,000. Spanish officials found the press, but members of the brotherhoood destroyed it before the Spanish could sieze it.


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